The curriculum a student must traverse en route to a degree is the most foundational element for student success.
We provide tools that allow you to visualize your curricula and degree plans, and analyze their impact on student progress.
Student progress towards a degree is the most direct measure of student success—however, there are many possible pathways to consider, and particular challenges associated with each. Curricular analytics allow you to quantify the complexity of curricula, simulate student progress under various scenarios, and create degree plans that maximize the chances of students completing their degrees on time.
Curricular analytics facilitates:
Simply store a curriculm or degree plan in a spreadsheet (using this CSV file format), upload it, and you'll recieve a beautiful interactive visualization like the one shown here.
The overall complexity of an uploaded curriculum or degree plans is automatically analyzed, and various metrics associated with the individual courses in the curriculum are provided. Learn more about these metrics.
Use these analytics to foster data-informed conversations around student success, curricular complexity, and optmized degree plans. To view curricular studies that have been used to catalyze change, visit the Curricular Analytics Notebooks site.
If you would like to analyze your curricula and degree plans, and create useful visualizations like the one above, sign up to start uploading curricula and creating degree plans.